

A non-conforming lender provides loans to borrowers who do not meet the typical lending requirements set out by traditional banks. These requirements often relate to credit scores, income verification and debt to income ratios.

Because non-conforming lenders are willing to lend money to borrowers with low credit scores, histories of credit issues like late payments, defaults, bankruptcies, irregular income streams they often come with higher interest rates and fees but can also be more flexible and have tailored loans terms that fit a borrower’s unique circumstances.

If you don’t meet standard criteria for a home loan with a mainstream bank or lender, you may still have options to consider, reach out to us to find out how.


A non-conforming home loan is simply a term for mortgages that do not meet the usual loan requirements of the main banks. It is the polar opposite of a 'prime' house loan.

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The borrower may have a poor credit record, a past track record of bankruptcy, or difficulty proving your income because you're self-employed.

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