Guide to maximum LVR’s and loan amounts

Below we have provided a guide to the maximum available loan to value ratios (LVR’s) and their corresponding maximum loan amounts. In all three tables below the loan amounts and LVR’s are for standard security properties such as free standing houses and townhouses located in capital city areas. For non standard security properties such as high rise units and for properties located in regional or country areas the maximum loan amounts and LVR’s may be lower.

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Full doc loans – Standard residential security in metro areas

The table below is intended as a guide only. Official policies of the two main mortgage insurers and various lenders may differ from what is outlined below. Lenders mortgage insurance is applicable for all loans with an LVR of more than 80%. If a borrower has two or more properties the maximum loan amounts allowed would be more than outlined below in some cases.

Loan to value ratio (LVR) Guide to maximum loan amount Comments
95% $1,150,000
  • Generally only property purchases would be considered. 
  • Many lenders adopt a slightly lower maximum loan amount.
  • Two of the major lenders will consider up to $1,500,000 at 95% LVR as they have the ability to override the insurer’s maximum loan amount policy. However it is unlikely to be approved unless the application is very strong in all other areas.
90% $1,300,000 
  • Purchases and some refinances and debt consolidation are acceptable loan purposes. Any equity release or cash out would generally be restricted to less than $100,000.
  • Can consider up to $1,500,000 at 90% LVR with a few lenders.
85% $1,500,000
  • Most loan purposes would be acceptable with some restrictions on equity release.
80% $3,000,000 (without mortgage insurance) 
  • Sydney / Melbourne metro only.
  • Other areas approximately $2,000,000.
  • Most loan purposes would be acceptable with some restrictions on equity release.
  • A higher loan amount may be possible with some lenders without mortgage insurance.
70% $5,000,000
  • Most purposes would be allowed with fewer restrictions on equity release.
  • Generally unlimited but with one security property the maximum loan would likely be around $5,000,000. Obviously the borrower would have to have good income!

Lo Doc loans – Mainstream lenders - standard residential security in metro areas

The table below is intended as a guide only. Mainstream lenders do not accept low doc borrowers.

Loan to value ratio (LVR) Guide to maximum loan amount Comments
80% $1,500,000

  • Mostly not available from main stream lenders.
  • Risk fees may or may not apply for LVR's over 70%. Risk fees usually 1-2% of the loan amount.
60% $3,000,000
  • Available for self employed borrowers.
  • At least one other form of income proof required such as an accountants letter or BAS statements.
  • Standard rates and fees apply.


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