

A borrowers employment income is a key factor when taking out a home loan. Each lender has their own policies on full & part time work, self-employed, casual or contract employment and length of employment history in the same job or field.

Make sure you talk to your broker about your current and previous employment as these are all factors taken into consideration when securing a home loan.

There are various type of incomes that can be included in a home loan application other than regular employment income. These include rental income from any investment properties, investment income from dividends, interest or capital gains, child support payments if an official agreement in place, income from trusts and also ongoing disability benefits.

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When you apply for a home loan, lenders look at two of the most important factors: your employment and job stability. Banks need to know how much of your spare income will be taken up by mortgage payments.

What they're seeking for is work stability, which ensures that you'll always have money coming in. Even if you have a higher-than-average monthly salary, your chances of getting approved are minimal if you can't show your job security to your lender.

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