

An asset is an item of value which in a loan application commonly includes property, savings, shares, super, motor vehicles and general household contents.

Gaining a home has an asset has numerous benefits such as building equity, you'll have living security, more control over costs and your mortgage repayments are a way of saving money. 

Examples of assets include:

  • Cash and cash equivalents.
  • Accounts receivable (AR)
  • Marketable securities.
  • Trademarks.
  • Patents.
  • Product designs.
  • Distribution rights.
  • Buildings.

The lender will charge you a default or penalty interest rate if you fall behind on your payments. This is usually applied to the amount that is past due. In other situations, however, this fee will be applied to the total loan amount.

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When considering a home loan application, lenders will typically consider your assets such as inventory, property, accounts receivable, stocks, vehicles.

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