In particular we focus on getting the loan structure right the first time, choosing which lenders to use in the right order (yes this is important) and finally getting our clients the best deal possible.
For the 2024-2025 financial year, if you’re an Australian resident and your annual gross income is under $18,200, then you don’t have to pay tax. Income that is $18,201 and over is levied at different rates, see below:
*$18,200-$45,000 - 16% on each $1 over $18,200
*$45,000-$135,000 - $4288 plus 30% on each $1 over $45,000
*$135,000-$190,000 - $21,288 plus 37% on each $1 over $135,000
*$190,000+ $51,638 plus 45% on each $1 over $190,000